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Trail Conditions

Trip Log


Eagle Crag, Mt. Meader
Beans Purchase, NH

Trailheads, measurements, times, distances, and maps are all approximate and relative to the hike(s) as shown below.
The Highwater Trail
The Highwater Trail

Route: Wild River Trail, Highwater Trail, Eagle Link, Meader Ridge Trail, Basin Rim Trail, Black Angel Trail

Southern segment of Highwater Trail was largely unaffected by Irene. Lots of PUDs though.

The next section of Wild River Trail south of there (from Black Angel to Eagle Link) had multiple blowouts from Irene. There are (sometimes muddy) single file paths around these. This, along with the segement immediately north (Black Angel to Moriah Brook Trail) were the only trails on this loop that appeared to have any significant Irene impact.

Eagle Link was fine, though there were a few (for now) minor mud bogs, as well as some slippery ledge. Nice woods.

Meader Ridge Trail was generally dry and in good shape.

Basin Rim Trail to the Rim Junction was in good shape. Nice woods.

Black Angel Trail had some wet spots and a few areas of running water, but otherwise was fine. Didn't notice the uphill climb when I was glancing at the map. Noticed it when I had to hike it toward the end of the day.

Wild River from there out had a few blowouts from Irene. The closer one gets to the Moriah Brook Trail junction, the worse it gets.

Hike Ratings
Getting To Trailhead: Easy
Destination: Eagle Crag
Length: Difficult
Steepness: Moderate
Navigation: Easy
Views: Excellent
Crowds: Minimal
Destination: Mt. Meader
Length: Difficult
Steepness: Difficult
Navigation: Easy
Views: Excellent
Crowds: Minimal

Hike Stats
Date Hiked: Sunday, August 19, 2012
Parking Elevation: 1,150'
Destination: Eagle Crag
Time Elapsed: 03:52
Trailhead Elevation: 1,150'
Summit Elevation: 3,020'
Vertical Gain: 2,220'
Destination: Mt. Meader
Time Elapsed: 00:47
Trailhead Elevation: 3,020'
Summit Elevation: 2,782'
Vertical Gain: 352'
Hike Time Elapsed: 08:02
Hike Vertical Gain: 3,172'

The Wild River Trail trailhead
The Wild River Trail trailhead

The Eagle Link Trail
The Eagle Link Trail

Looking at the Baldfaces from Eagle Crag - Click to enlarge
Looking at the Baldfaces from Eagle Crag

The Meader Ridge Trail between Eagle Crag and Mt. Meader
The Meader Ridge Trail between Eagle Crag and Mt. Meader

Looking north at the Basin Rim from the vista atop the Mt. Meader Trail - Click to enlarge
Looking north at the Basin Rim from the vista atop the Mt. Meader Trail

Directions to trailhead: From US 2, take Route 113 south, then take a right onto Wild River Road. The Wild River Trail WMNF fee parking area and trailhead are located on the left just before entering the campground.

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