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Vermont Mountains & Peaks

Vermont is home to the Green Mountains, a spine of peaks running north to south through much of the state. While many of mountains are densely forested, there are still above-tree-line areas on peaks such as Camel's Hump and Mt. Mansfield.
The Appalachian Mountain Club has designated a list of 67 New England peaks as being part of a 4,000' club. Included in this list are 5 mountains in Vermont, ranging from Mt. Abraham to Mt. Mansfield's Chin.
State High Point
Mt. Mansfield in Underhill at 4,393 feet.
Mountain Profiles
Click on the name of the mountain or peak for maps, photos, and more.
Northern Vermont
Addison County |
Mt. Abraham | Lincoln, VT | 4,006' |
Broadloaf Mountain | Ripton, VT | 3,835' |
Mt. Roosevelt | Ripton, VT | 3,528' |
Mt. Wilson | Ripton, VT | 3,790' |
Worth Mountain | Hancock, VT | 3,234' |
Caledonia County |
Chittenden County |
Essex County |
Franklin County |
Lamoille County |
Elmore Mountain | Elmore, VT | 2,608' |
Mt. Mansfield (Adams Apple) | Stowe, VT | 4,120' |
Mt. Mansfield (The Forehead) | Stowe, VT | 3,940' |
Mt. Mansfield (The Nose) | Stowe, VT | 4,025' |
Spruce Peak | Cambridge, VT | 3,330' |
Sterling Mountain | Cambridge, VT | 3,080' |
Orange County |
Orleans County |
Bald Mountain | Westmore, VT | 3,315' |
Doll Peak | Jay, VT | 3,409' |
Jay Peak | Westfield, VT | 3,858' |
North Jay Peak | Jay, VT | 3,438' |
Mt. Pisgah | Westmore, VT | 2,751' |
Washington County |
Burnt Rock Mountain | Fayston, VT | 3,168' |
Camel's Hump | Duxbury, VT | 4,083' |
Cutts Peak | Warren, VT | 4,022' |
Mount Ellen | Warren, VT | 4,083' |
Mt. Hunger | Worcester, VT | 3,539' |
Lincoln Peak | Warren, VT | 3,975' |
Nancy Hanks Peak | Warren, VT | 3,812' |
Mt. Putnam | Worcester, VT | 3,642' |
Ricker Mountain | Waterbury, VT | 3,410' |
White Rock Mountain | Worcester, VT | 3,194' |
Woodward Mountain | Waterbury, VT | 3,110' |
Mt. Worcester | Worcester, VT | 3,293' |
Mt. Worcester (South Peak) | Worcester, VT | 3,477' |
Middle Vermont
Rutland County |
Blue Ridge Mountain | Mendon, VT | 3,278' |
Dorset Peak | Danby, VT | 3,770' |
Killington Peak | Killington, VT | 4,235' |
Little Killington | Killington, VT | 3,939' |
Ludlow Mountain | Mount Holly, VT | 3,343' |
Mendon Peak | Killington, VT | 3,850' |
Pico Peak | Killington, VT | 3,957' |
Rams Head | Killington, VT | 3,610' |
Shrewsbury Peak | Shrewsbury, VT | 3,720' |
Smith Peak | Shrewsbury, VT | 3,200' |
Snowden Peak | Killington, VT | 3,592' |
Windsor County |
Mt. Ascutney | Brownsville, VT | 3,150' |
Gile Mountain | Norwich, VT | 1,873' |
Mt. Peg | Woodstock, VT | 1,080' |
Salt Ash Mountain | Plymouth, VT | 3,286' |
Mt. Tom | Woodstock, VT | 1,350' |
Southern Vermont
Bennington County |
Bromley Mountain | Bromley, VT | 3,263' |
Dutch Hill | Heartwellville, VT | 2,410' |
Mt. Equinox | Manchester, VT | 3,848' |
Peru Peak | Peru, VT | 3,429' |
Styles Peak | Peru, VT | 3,394' |
Mt. Tabor | Peru, VT | 3,043' |
Windham County |
Bald Mountain | Townshend, VT | 1,680' |
Black Mountain | Dummerston, VT | 1,290' |
Glebe Mountain | Londonderry, VT | 2,940' |
Haystack Mountain | Wilmington, VT | 3,445' |
Mt. Olga | Marlboro, VT | 2,415' |
Peaked Mountain | Townshend, VT | 1,250' |
Putney Mountain | Brookline, VT | 1,640' |
Mt. Snow | Somerset, VT | 3,556' |
Stratton Mountain | Stratton, VT | 3,936' |
North Stratton Mountain | Stratton, VT | 3,875' |